Sunday, May 29, 2011

Good News vs. Bad News

I am so sorry people. I know I know, you've been waiting for a freaking post from me to know how I'm doing now. Well, many things happened, can't really tell you everything in detail. but I'll give you some of my highlights okay? :)

Biggest thing happened in my life recently is, my parents quarreled and my dad hit my mom a little. I was just right in front of them and of course, I stopped my dad but I cried right after I do that. I rushed to my room and called my best friend, Jessica. And when she picked up, I just burst into tears. After a while, we talked, and she cried and prayed for me.

Awwww, what would my life be without you Jess?! You always stand by me and talk to me when I need it, every single problem that I've encountered and you were always there. Gosh, I don't want to be this gross, but hey darling, thanks and I love you! I sincerely appreciate everything that you've done for me. ♥♥♥

The other thing is, my grandpa has just recently been diagnosed with a 2nd stage cancer. To be real honest, I don't really feel a thing for that cause we were never close and things I've heard about him were never good. But I hope he'll be okay since I think he's the reason why my dad has been acting like this recently.

But don't worry peeps, I'm still doing great, I'm still leading a happy lifestyle. Smile always people! :D


  1. hey dear, passing by =)
    no matter what happened,
    still i'll be giving you the best blessing
    hope all goes well, as God is teaching us how to live better....

    best wishes from me

    -Wendy 奕宁

  2. Thanks dear. I know I'm surrounded by lots of awesome friends. =]
